Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Can Tourism Help Save The Tiger?

Tigers are one of the most charismatic and beautiful animals on earth. They are the world’s largest cat and can live across a wide range of habitats, from mountains to coastal wetlands. Most of the world’s tigers live in India among a number of national parks and tiger reserves but their numbers are decreasing rapidly. Tiger tourism has become a hot button issue in India, with the country’s recent Supreme Court decision to end a moratorium on tourism in these reserves.

Many wildlife conservationists and respected ecotourism operators believe that tourism can help to save this iconic predator, Panthera tigris. Many conservationists believe that the presence of tourists helps keep away poachers from important habitat. Some proactive tour operators such as Wildand Adventures put some of their profits towards conservation and social programs. Sanjay Gubbi, Tiger Program Coordinator for the well-respected conservation organization Panthera has said that, “India’s wildlife tourism industry benefits communities by stimulating local economies and providing employment.” Another benefit of tiger tourism is helping to inspire travelers to support conservation efforts (though much more can be done in this area).

Ajay Dubey, a conservationist who works with Prayatna, believes tiger tourism as currently practiced in India is a threat to the big cats. Panthera’s Mr. Gubbi notes that many tourism operations practice “unethical safari practices.” In some tiger reserves, lodges have been built in key habitat and the cats are stressed by large numbers of jeeps crowding them. Mr. Dubey recently took the Indian government to court to spur improvements in how tiger tourism is managed in the country. This lawsuit has divided many people on both sides of the argument, whether the final ruling, which came out in October, will improve the situation.

One point that everyone on both sides of the argument agrees to is that these animals face a serious situation. Most estimates are that fewer than 4,000 tigers remain in the wild across Asia, with about 1,700 surviving in India. Those numbers mean a more than 90 percent drop over the past century and are why they are currently listed as endangered by the IUCN’s Red List. The main reason for this drop however, is not tourism but poaching. These cats’ skins and body parts can bring thousands of dollars on the black market.

I have spent most of the past decade working on improving how tourism benefits the efforts to protect endangered sea turtles. While these two animals and their conservation methods are very different, many of the same principles apply. For tourism to work, it must be done in a way that minimizes damage to key habitat, prevents unnecessary stress on the animals, and generates concrete benefits to both conservation programs and nearby communities.

The recent ruling by the Indian Supreme Court on Prayatna’s lawsuit has the potential to improve how tourism is managed in the country. Unfortunately, people on both sides of the argument were disappointed in the lack of strong regulations to protect tigers in the decision. Julian Matthews of Travel Operators for Tigers stated that, “Sadly there is nothing in these guidelines that gives anyone… a legal ‘road map’ as to how they (the forests) can be restored.” The primary responsibility for ending the construction of infrastructure is now in the hands of the state governments, which have been given six months to develop new tourism and conservation guidelines.

Tour operators have a strong responsibility to advocate not only for regulations that will allow their businesses to grow but also to make compromises that keep the best interests of the tigers in mind. If real changes aren’t made to both improve tourism management and reduce poaching, tourism businesses and local communities will suffer alongside these charismatic animals.

Learn more:

Travelers interested in visiting India’s tiger reserves should seek out tour operators that both minimize impacts on tigers and support conservation efforts.

Travel Operators for Tigers has developed a rating system for operators, lodges, and other tourism businesses.

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