Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Speak Out For The Environment

As the Congressional Super Committee pores through the federal budget looking for areas to cut, one of the more likely areas for reductions is environmental and conservation programs. Even though these critical programs that protect our air, water, and wildlife have been cut roughly 65% over the past 30 years, there are still those who think we should cut further. The powerful committee is made up of many representatives that have been outwardly hostile to efforts to protect the environment, 5 of the 12 members have environmental scores below 50% from the League of Conservation Voters.

Funding that is at risk includes the Wildlife Without Borders Program of the US Fish & Wildlife Service, which provides millions of dollars to protect endangered species around the world. The soil and habitat conservation programs of the Farm Bill are a big target, even though most of the subsidies go to large commodity farms. There is also a risk that this process will be used to pass legislation that would not pass the regular process such as drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Everyone recognizes the need to cut back on wasteful spending in these difficult times. However, we believe this emergency should be used as an opportunity to reduce the spending that hurts the environment and our citizens, such as the billions in subsidies for profitable oil companies. Cutting small environmental programs that have helped millions is not the way to revive our economy.

Here are a few ways to get involved from our friends at the Nature Conservancy:

Sign the Pledge and proclaim your support for the health of our American wilderness and the creatures that live there.

Speak Up For Nature and call your congressman, write to your senator or attend a town hall meeting to show support for conservation programs.

Share Your Story and inspire others to get involved.

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